It is undisputed that the use of cannabis has gained momentum across the globe. According to Grandview Research, the global market size for the cannabis industry will reach $102.2 billion by 2030....
Navigating the new market environment hasn’t been easy so far. Inflation, quantitative tightening, sudden spikes in rates and a pandemic have left their mark. But is there still a way to preserve capital and to identify trading opportunities?
In my previous
When the S&P 500 hit bear market territory on June 13 2022, many investors around the world were left with the bitter taste of disappointment. But this wasn’t happening for the first time: since 1928, the S&P 500 has experienced 26 bear markets.
“Bears” are...
Vrlo slicno kao i 27/09/2021 kada je napisano da smo došli do kraja jednoga stanja na tržištu. Sada smo ponovo došli do promjene paradigme na tržištu. Novo stanje ce trajati duže vrijeme i zato je potrebno napraviti zatvaranje jednoga nacina investiranja i otvaranje novoga nacina investiranja....
Raytheon Technologies je ameriška multinacionalka, ki je nastala leta 2020 z združitvijo United Technologies in Raytheona. Poslovanje ima, merjeno s prihodki, razdeljeno na približno enako velika dela komercialnega letalstva in vesoljske dobavne verige ter obrambe.To je redkost v tej...
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