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Smoking hot stocks

It is undisputed that the use of cannabis has gained momentum across the globe. According to Grandview Research, the global market size for the cannabis industry will reach $102.2 billion by 2030....


Bad stocks – How to invest during bear markets (II)

Navigating the new market environment hasn’t been easy so far. Inflation, quantitative tightening, sudden spikes in rates and a pandemic have left their mark. But is there still a way to preserve capital and to identify trading opportunities?

In my previous

How to invest during bear markets (I)

When the S&P 500 hit bear market territory on June 13 2022, many investors around the world were left with the bitter taste of disappointment. But this wasn’t happening for the first time: since 1928, the S&P 500 has experienced 26 bear markets.

 “Bears” are...


Što nam tržišta govore i što se može ocekivati 14/2022 - završna tocka i objašnjenje

Vrlo slicno kao i 27/09/2021 kada je napisano da smo došli do kraja jednoga stanja na tržištu. Sada smo ponovo došli do promjene paradigme na tržištu. Novo stanje ce trajati duže vrijeme i zato je potrebno napraviti zatvaranje jednoga nacina investiranja i otvaranje novoga nacina investiranja....


Zanimiva delnica: Raytheon Technologies

Raytheon Technologies je ameriška multinacionalka, ki je nastala leta 2020 z združitvijo United Technologies in Raytheona. Poslovanje ima, merjeno s prihodki, razdeljeno na približno enako velika dela komercialnega letalstva in vesoljske dobavne verige ter obrambe.

To je redkost v tej...

