Sarajevo Stock Exchange Technical Analysis
Refreshed: 09.01.2025. 17:07:46
Stock Exchange Index Values
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: JPEMR | BAJPEMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOSOR | BASOSOR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PVNFRK3 | BAPVNFRK3004
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOLTRK3 | BASOLTRK3006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: JPEMR | BAJPEMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOSOR | BASOSOR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BBR9R | BABBR9R00002
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BBR9R | BABBR9R00002
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BIPVR | BABIPVR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PVNFRK3 | BAPVNFRK3004
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: ENPSR | BAENPSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SNVMR | BASNVMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PBJTRK1 | BAPBJTRK1002
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: STFJR | BASTFJR00007
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: UMENR | BAUMENR00003
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Sarajevo Stock Exchange Market News
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 30.485,67 KM; od toga je 30.144,66 KM redovne berzanske trgovine i 341,01 KM prijavljene trgovine. U sklopu 17 transak... | 08.01. 14:27
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 12.261,99 KM. U sklopu 9 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 1.104 vrijednosna papira.
Vrijednosti indeksa SASE na... | 07.01. 14:30
U decembru 2024. godine na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 252.172.306,82 KM, što čini 74,01 % od ukupnog prometa koji je ostvaren na BH berzama. U sklopu 281 transakcije prome... | 06.01. 15:06
Obavještavamo Vas da je izvršen delisting emitentaHelios d.d. Banovići - u stečaju, simbol:HELSRK1(50.651 dionica, nominalne vrijednosti 83,00 KM),zbog brisanja VP iz evidencije Registra vrijednosn... | 06.01. 14:58
Obavještavamo Vas da je izvršen delisting emitentaRudstroj d.d. Kakanj - u stečaju, simbol:RUSTR(333.816 dionica, nominalne vrijednosti 10,00 KM),zbog brisanja VP iz evidencije Registra vrijednosni... | 06.01. 14:58
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 518,00 KM. U sklopu 1 transakcije ukupno je prometovano 37 vrijednosnih papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a nije se mijenjala u p... | 06.01. 14:34